Ventolin Expectorant

Ventolin Expectorant




Concise Prescribing Info
Per 5 mL Guaifenesin 50 mg, salbutamol sulfate 1 mg
Treatment or prevention of bronchospasm. Relief of resp obstruction & improves pulmonary ventilation. Resp disorders complicated by bronchospasm & excessive secretion of tenacious mucus eg, bronchial asthma, chronic bronchitis & emphysema.
Dosage/Direction for Use
Adult & childn >12 yr 10-20 mL, 6-12 yr 10 mL, 2-6 yr 5-10 mL. All doses to be taken bid or tid. Elderly or those unusually sensitive to β-adrenergic stimulant drug 10 mL tid or qid.
Should be taken on an empty stomach: Take 1 hr before or 2 hr after meals.
Hypersensitivity. Not to be used to arrest uncomplicated premature labour or threatened abortion.
Special Precautions
Sudden & progressive deterioration in asthma control. Thyrotoxicosis. Induced reversible metabolic changes (eg, increased blood sugar levels) & ketoacidosis may develop in diabetic patient. Increased risk of dental caries in long-term treatment. Concurrent use w/ corticosteroids. Pregnancy. Not recommended during lactation.
Adverse Reactions
Tremor; headache, tachycardia, palpitations, muscle cramps.
Drug Interactions
Not to be prescribed w/ non-selective β-blockers eg, propranolol.
MIMS Class
Cough & Cold Preparations
ATC Classification
R05CA10 - combinations ; Belongs to the class of expectorants. Used in the treatment of wet cough.
Ventolin Expectorant syr (sugar-free)
100 mL x 1's
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